Friday, November 03, 2017

Hasn’t the West Admitted Enough Rapefugees? It’s Time to Rethink a Policy Conceived in a Different Time for a Different Kind of People


New issue! “The Refugee Crisis and Its Impact on the West”

It is Past Time to Revise Our Nation’s Refugee/Asylum Policies
By Wayne Lutton, Ph.D.
Volume 28, Number 1 (Fall 2017)
Issue theme: “The Refugee Crisis and Its Impact on the West”
The Social Contract
[Wayne Lutton is editor of The Social Contract

While the United States has long expressed support for individuals genuinely subject to persecution and oppression in their native lands, Refugee and Asylum policy has devolved into another way to game the immigration system. Since President Jimmy Carter signed the Refugee Act of 1980 into law, a collaborative effort of people in government and cooperating non-government organizations has hi-jacked refugee policy, at growing cost to taxpayers and the communities forced to play host to newcomers from around the world.

According to Freedom House, 25 percent of the world’s population lives under conditions they describe as “not free” and another 30 percent live under “partly free” circumstances (Freedom in the World 2017, Thus, 55 percent of the world’s population of 7.5 billion and growing could conceivably qualify for admission to the U.S. as refugees….

[Read the whole thing here.]


Anonymous said...

...and then by importing those refugees to OUR country,it brings about situations where OUR CURRENT citizens become less free.Those refugees get dumped in our laps by the government,and who does the babysitting?The unsuspecting neighborhoods,previously reliable to most that live there,now becoming a potential powderkeg of religious,economic and social dichotomies.Resentment from the refugees for not having their rear ends kissed(figuratively--they expect a lot,acceptance,welfare,dating white women etc),resentment TO the refugees for being provided housing,food and other amenities (without working),while we trudge to the salt mines to get the same basics they have achieved in a month.
Assinine way to do things on many levels.
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Not only prevent more from arriving but sent those that have arrived back. Given them each $100,000 [USD or Euro] and them to go.